Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Silver Screen Saucers: 1 today and more to come

By Robbie Graham Silver Screen Saucers

Today, February 22, 2012, marks the first anniversary of Silver Screen Saucers.

I set up this blog twelve months ago as an easily accessible research archive. The idea was that it would assist me in my ongoing doctoral studies and encourage any visitors to the site to more thoughtfully consider the cultural and political interplay between Hollywood and the UFO phenomenon.

200 blog posts later (including 10 exclusive guest articles by some of the world’s leading UFO researchers) and Silver Screen Saucers has chalked up nearly 200,000 page views. Not a jaw-dropping figure, by any means, but not too bad for a little blog dealing with a niche topic.

On February 24, Hollywood producer, author and Silver Screen Saucers Consulting Editor, Bryce Zabel, will be speaking at the International UFO Congress in Arizona. During his talk, Bryce will be formally announcing our partnership for an exciting new project – or rather projects. I’ll be following up on Bryce’s announcement two days later in a February 26 radio interview for The Conspiracy Show with Richard Syrett.

Throughout the development of these new projects, the Silver Screen Saucers blog is set to continue, and hopefully my regular blog maintenance duties will not be impeded by my newly increased workload. In any event, Silver Screen Saucers will continue to provide visitors with important news updates, incisive commentary, and detailed articles on Hollywood’s UFO movies through 2012 and beyond.

A big thank you to all those who continue to visit the site.

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