Free Stuff and Great Bargain Adventures for People Over 50
Saturday, 27 Jul 2013 11:45 PM
According to our inside source, it's true!
Despite the budget battles and sequester, that money is still there and has already been allocated. On a percentage basis, every family's share of the pie comes to around $20,500. What's more, only 12% of the money in these programs is designated for the poor.
Many people mistakenly believe that you have to be destitute to receive government money and giveaways. However, the truth is that a larger percentage of rich people than poor people are eligible for government money — such as 100% fully paid "cultural exchange" trips to other countries.
Unfortunately, most people don't even know about the thousands of government-giveaway programs available to them. That's because most of these programs are funded by Washington but administered through either the states or little-known organizations — and 75% of the programs have no income thresholds.
Of the $1 trillion in free government money given away each year, only about $378 billion is distributed as grants. The rest is distributed as direct payments, venture capital, or special "loans" you do not have to pay back.
You can't find these programs on Google. Most government officials often don't even know these programs exist. That's why many ordinary people miss out — and let the tiny handful of "connected" folks get all the freebies.
Literally BILLIONS in free money and bargain adventures go unclaimed every year!
How You Can Claim THOUSANDS of Dollars in Government-Giveaway Programs
But now you can get YOUR fair share — with your copy of our brand-new special report, Free Stuff and Great Bargain Adventures for People Over 50.
You'll discover . . .
- A little-known government program that gives you free health insurance, free drugs
, free mammograms, free disease screening, and even low-cost or free dental care — and it's not Medicaid or Medicare
- A simple way to get an extra $1,000 added to family members' Social Security checks
- Government-subsidized trips to vacation resorts worldwide
- A unique program that lets you save thousands of dollars on hotel bills at locations all around the world
- A special toll-free hotline you can use to get free prescription drugs
- And lots MORE!
Your Government-Giveaway Package Includes Newsletters and Seven Reports Worth Over $400
(Offer Expires in 2 Days!)
We assembled a tremendous amount of how-to information into one simple, easy-to-follow special report. This will save you hundreds of hours of research and telephone time — and will help you quickly and easily access the thousands of federally subsidized programs now available for people of all income levels.
Editor’s Note: Click Here to Secure Your Government Giveaway Package
Best of all, the programs listed in this amazing special report are not difficult to apply for. In fact, many of the applications are short and simple — at most, three or four pages long.
And if you have difficulty, guess what? There are even special government offices dedicated to instructing you about how to take advantage of government programs!
If you don't know if you're eligible for a specific giveaway program, there is a little-known website that will tell you. You'll find out all about it on page 5 of Free Stuff and Great Bargain Adventures for People Over 50.
The fact is, thousands of laws make it mandatory for the U.S. government to distribute these funds. The money has already been allocated, often to state agencies, and they have to give it away.
There is a special agency, in fact, that helps older people gain access to services and free programs no one knows about — including subsidized vacations to places like Disney World.
Once you know how government-giveaway procedures work, it's all just a matter of making the application. Your government-giveaway package includes the special report, Free Stuff and Great Bargain Adventures for People Over 50 (a $30 value), and a three-month trial membership to The Franklin Prosperity Report (itself a $24 value).
Put together, this special report and three issues of The Franklin Prosperity Report can help you save thousands of dollars a year — and often GET thousands of dollars in free money, goods, and services as well.
And there's more.
When you send for your copy of Free Stuff and Great Bargain Adventures for People Over 50 and enroll in a trial subscription to The Franklin Prosperity Report, you'll get seven additional bonus reports as well:
- Bonus Report #1: 50 Ways to Save $50,000 (a $49 value). Here, you'll discover 50 specific, powerful ways to slash thousands of dollars a year off the cost of everyday items — such as new ways to save on car and home insurance, how to cut your prescription medicine costs in half, and how to reduce your credit card and loan costs. All together, these amazing savings can add up to an extra $50,000 over a one- or two-year period.
- Bonus Report #2: Pay Zero Taxes! (a $49 value). According to Jeff A. Schnepper, author of How to Pay Zero Taxes 2013, you are facing "the biggest tax increase in the history of the income tax" beginning in 2013. But in this valuable free bonus report, you'll discover the highest-impact, easiest tax deductions and credits to claim. These are actionable steps that most people can and should take to greatly reduce their tax bill.
- Bonus Report #3: Save Thousands on Soaring Education Costs (a $49 value). Education lending is becoming a very big problem for students, parents, and our country. Average student debt ballooned to $27,204 in 2011. But now, you can help your kids or grandkids go to college by taking advantage of the tips in this valuable bonus report — for example, how to attend one of the world's top universities for only $3,300 a year.
- Bonus Report #4: The Individual Investor's Guide to Buying Gold Coins and Bullion (a $49 value). The guide reveals what specific coin you should own for maximum profits (and it isn't the American Eagle!). We also disclose a specific website to use to get the REAL price of gold along with one bait-and-switch tactic that could leave you in the poorhouse.
- Bonus Report #5: 8 Surefire Ways to Be Richer a Year From Now (a $49 value). This report shows you how to go from saving, to investing, to even giving away more money than you ever dreamed. Follow this simple eight-step plan to wealth and retire earlier than you ever imagined.
- Bonus Report #6: Save Up to 50% on Your Grocery Bill (a $49 value). We spend more money on food than anything else (outside of taxes!). This guide will show you simple strategies to save money and buy more. These tactics don't require a lot of work and spare you the hassle of extreme couponing.
- Bonus Report #7: 33 Ways to Save on Healthcare This Year (a $49 value). It has been proven that healthcare expenses will surmount $200,000 per person during retirement. This guide will allow you to save thousands of dollars in 33 different ways.
You'll receive everything: Free Stuff and Great Bargain Adventures for People Over 50 . . . a three-month trial membership to The Franklin Prosperity Report . . . and seven exclusive bonus reports — a value of over $400.
All we ask is that you cover the processing fee of $1.97.
You have everything to gain by taking advantage of this limited-time opportunity, and nothing to lose.
Click Here to Get Your Government Giveaway Package
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