Sunday, March 4, 2012


Things are still going along as usual out here, other than we're getting some winter weather.  It's been really windy all week and will be for a while longer.  Our supply ship, the Kahana, is here right now.  They were already supposed to be gone, but it's too windy to load the containers back on.
The albatross chicks are getting bigger and the red-tailed tropicbirds are starting to lay eggs.  We've got a construction crew out here to continue renovating some of the old duplexes (like the one I live in), since we are short of housing when we have visitors, construction people, volunteers, and researchers. 
As I said last week, my Canon 7D conked out on me, so I shipped that off for repairs.  It'll probably be gone for a few weeks and I've only got my little point and shoot, so I may not put up quite as many pics as usual. 

The Kahana is at the tug pier.  The ship brings fuel for us so we keep the orange oil boom in the water to make sure any spills don't get away.

 We had 2 nice days early in the week and I got over to Spit Island to do some work.  This is the view of Eastern Island from Spit Island.

 This big rope got washed up onto this tree on Spit Island during the tsunami last year.  It's too heavy to carry across the island to the boat, but I think that it's not going anywhere anytime soon.

We also got a bit of rain.  This chick got a bit waterlogged, but dried out when the sun came out.

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