Saturday, May 28, 2011

'Super 8' alien "very special, scary and unique"

In a recent video interview for Empire magazine, Super 8 director J.J. Abrams described his movie's alien/monster as "very special, scary and unique." Producer Steven Spielberg was in agreement, stating that the creature design was "very, very original." Beyond that, no details were forthcoming of what is already the most talked about alien-beastie of the year. It's an interesting interview, though. Check it out over at Empire (this month's hard-copy magazine also has a lengthy feature on Super 8).

Super 8 is released in the U.S. 10 June.
It's also worth noting that Abrams' and Spielberg's descriptions of the Super 8 alien effectively rule-out any connection between their movie and the much-debated "live alien" footage currently doing the rounds on the Internet, the star of which is a generic and rather friendly-looking little "Grey" fellow.

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